How To Train Your Glutes On The Cable Tower Machine

A cable tower machine is a fairly common piece of equipment in any residential or corporate office building's fitness center.  However, do you know how to properly utilize it to train your glutes and other muscles in your legs?  In this video, I'm going to break down and demonstrate a few of my favorite glute exercises in order for you to get that strong lower body that you're probably looking for.  And guess what, you only need one piece of equipment, the cable tower machine.

Squat Progressions Using Minimal Equipment!

Have you seen our latest video from our sister company?  Are you looking for ideas on how to progress your squat? Does your community or corporate fitness center have minimal equipment? Not to worry, Prime Health Management has you covered! In this week's video I will be demonstrating how to progress a basic squat into a more challenging squat. These variations will definitely leave your legs feeling like rubber if done correctly. Remember to always consult your fitness centers personal trainer if you are unsure of the proper technique for these exercises.

How to prepare your lower body for training!

Good morning and happy Friday Silver Strong Family! I wanted to share with you all my favorite "go to" lower body warm-up that I use for myself and many of my clients. These exercises focus on mobilizing and activating muscle groups in your lower body so that they are "prepared" to work out. A proper warm-up is key to preventing injuries, and improving your overall training sessions for years to come. This warm-up series should take you no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Good luck and stay loose!