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Stretches For Office Workers
/Today, I've compiled a list of my top 5 stretches every office worker should be doing. If you find yourself spending a lot of time sitting, you may be suffering from certain issues such as tightness in the lower back, stiff shoulders, or even fatigue. To help with these issues, I recommend incorporating this 5 minute stretch/mobility routine into your daily workouts. I guarantee you will see and feel results after the first week! If you have any questions pertaining to the exercises in the video, please comment in the section below and I will be happy to reply.
Golf Fitness Tip - The Best Upper Body Workout For Golf
/In this week’s video Carolina aka The Fit Golfer Girl will be showing you some of the best upper body exercises that you should start incorporating into your routine. These exercises will help you develop the abilities and mobility necessary for a good golf swing. They will also improve your health, posture, and reduce your risk of injury.
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